Commandments of Light Angels for find a job

Creative Free Soul
3 min readMar 24, 2024


Commandments of Light Angels for find a job
Commandments of Light Angels for find a job

1. Thy Purpose Embrace: Seek not just a job, but a calling that resonates with thy soul’s purpose.
2. Harbor Faith: Trust in thy abilities and the universe’s plan, for every rejection paves the path to the right opportunity.
3. Prepare Diligently: Sharpen thy skills and knowledge, for preparation is the cornerstone of success.
4. Craft Thy Aura: Let thy demeanor radiate confidence, kindness, and professionalism, for first impressions shape destinies.
5. Network with Grace: Forge connections not solely for gain but to foster genuine relationships that enrich both parties.
6. Thy Resume Illuminate: Let thy resume sparkle with achievements, experiences, and aspirations, painting a vivid portrait of thy worth.
7. Hone Communication: Master the art of articulate expression, for clarity and eloquence open doors of opportunity.
8. Embrace Adaptation: Be flexible as a willow in the wind, for the job market ebbs and flows, and resilience ensures survival.
9. Seek Guidance: Be not afraid to seek counsel from mentors and peers, for wisdom shared is a beacon in the darkness.
10. Thy Online Presence Purify: Cleanse thy digital footprint, for employers often scrutinize the cyber realm before extending their hand.
11. Cultivate Patience: Rome was not built in a day, and neither is a fulfilling career. Trust in the divine timing of thy journey.
12. Interview with Grace: Approach interviews as sacred rites, where honesty, poise, and authenticity reign supreme.
13. Learn Continuously: The fountain of knowledge knows no drought. Quench thy thirst for learning, for growth is perpetual.
14. Thy Attire Reflect: Let thy attire mirror respect for the occasion, for dressing the part is a sign of reverence.
15. Thy Skills Polish: Polish thy skills as a jeweler does a gem, for mastery is the currency of progress.
16. Gratitude Practice: Cultivate a heart brimming with gratitude, for even setbacks are blessings in disguise.
17. Radiate Enthusiasm: Let passion be thy guiding star, for enthusiasm is contagious and magnetizes opportunities.
18. Thy Network Nurture: Water the garden of thy network with care, for its blossoms may one day bear the fruit of opportunity.
19. Embrace Feedback: Treat feedback not as criticism but as the sculptor’s chisel refining thy masterpiece.
20. Thy Goals Chart: Map thy aspirations with clarity and purpose, for directionless sails are at the mercy of the winds.
21. Balance Life’s Scales: Honor thyself by balancing work with leisure, for a harmonious life breeds success.
22. Thy Brand Cultivate: Be mindful of thy personal brand, for integrity and authenticity are its cornerstones.
23. Serve with Humility: Approach each opportunity with a servant’s heart, for true fulfillment lies in service to others.
24. Thy Passion Pursue: Chase not just a paycheck but thy passions, for therein lies true fulfillment.
25. Embrace Challenges: Welcome challenges as sculptors of thy character, for they temper thy mettle and fortify thy spirit.
26. Thy Confidence Radiate: Let thy confidence be a beacon in the night, guiding thee through storms to safe harbors.
27. Nurture Curiosity: Cultivate a childlike curiosity, for therein lies the fountain of innovation and growth.
28. Embrace Diversity: Celebrate the kaleidoscope of humanity, for diversity enriches the tapestry of life and work.
29. Thy Integrity Guard: Hold fast to thy principles in the face of temptation, for integrity is the bedrock of trust.
30. Trust the Journey: Surrender to the flow of the universe, for it navigates thee through the currents of fate to the shores of destiny.

