Guardian Angel prayer to find true love

Creative Free Soul
2 min readMar 10, 2023


Guardian Angel prayer to find true love

When it comes to finding true love, many people turn to prayer as a way to ask for guidance and help in their search. One prayer that is often used for this purpose is the Guardian Angel prayer.
The Guardian Angel prayer is a simple but powerful prayer that is often said to ask for protection and guidance from one’s Guardian Angel. This prayer can be adapted to focus specifically on finding true love, and can be a helpful tool for those who are looking for a partner.
To adapt the Guardian Angel prayer for finding true love, one can start by saying a standard version of the prayer, such as:

“Angel of God, my Guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here,
Ever this day be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide.”

After saying this standard version of the prayer, one can then add a few additional lines to ask for help in finding true love. These lines might include something like:

“Guardian Angel, I ask for your guidance,
As I search for a partner to share my life.
Help me to find someone who is kind and true,
And who will love and cherish me as I love and cherish them.”

By saying this adapted version of the Guardian Angel prayer, one is asking for the help of their Guardian Angel in finding true love. This can be a comforting and empowering experience, as it can help one to feel that they are not alone in their search for a partner.
It is important to remember that prayer is not a magic solution to finding true love. While it can be a helpful tool in asking for guidance and help, it is ultimately up to each individual to take action and put themselves out there in order to meet potential partners.
In addition to saying the Guardian Angel prayer, those who are looking for true love may also want to take practical steps to improve their chances of finding a partner. This might include things like joining a dating site, attending social events, or simply being open to meeting new people in everyday life.
In conclusion, the Guardian Angel prayer can be a helpful tool for those who are looking for true love. By asking for guidance and help from one’s Guardian Angel, one can feel supported and empowered in their search for a partner. However, it is important to remember that prayer is just one part of the equation, and that taking practical steps is also important. By combining prayer with action, one can increase their chances of finding true love and building a happy and fulfilling life with their partner.

